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العودة   منتديات حوامل النسائية > منتديات مراحل الحمل > منتدى أعراض الحمل والوحام

منتدى أعراض الحمل والوحام أكتشاف الحمل ,واختلاف الأعراض من امرأة الى أخرى . واختلاف الوحم والأعراض من طفل الى آخر

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع

قديم 05-01-2013, 07:00 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
ماما حياتي
عضوة مميزة
الصورة الرمزية
الصورة الرمزية ماما حياتي

التسجيل: Apr 2013
العضوية: 78264
المشاركات: 573 [+]
بمعدل : 0.14 يوميا
اخر زياره : [+]
معدل التقييم: 46
نقاط التقييم: 51
ماما حياتي will become famous soon enough

ماما حياتي غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : منتدى أعراض الحمل والوحام
e35 موضوع مفيد جداً بس نريد مترجمه بليز

كيفكم خواتي
شفت موضوع وفادني وحبيت اني افيدكم فيه

بس ياريت لو وحده تترجمه اخاف اكتب الي فهمته ويكون غلط

Evening Primrose Oil or EPO

Evening Primrose Oil or EPO helps women to produce more “egg white cervical mucus” is cervical fluid or mucus that is fertile quality. The kind of cervical mucus or CM that is fertile is, thin, watery, clear and “stretchy” and easily allows the sperm to swim through the uterus and into the fallopian tube, and to the egg. When your CM is fertile it helps the sperm to stay alive for up to five days inside the fallopian tube, then conception can happen. Even if you don’t have intercourse again by the time ovulation occurs.

If your CM is thick, brown or dry, it can prevent fertilization. Some women are very dry, and have problems in producing an adequate amount of fertile quality cervical fluid. Drinking a lot of water and taking EPO can certainly help in producing fertile cervical fluid in women that have that problem.
How to take Evening Primrose Oil!
You should only that Evening Primrose Oil from menstruation to ovulation. Because EPO can cause uterine contractions in pregnancy. Your going to want to take 1500mg to 3000mg per day. Since essential fatty acids are necessary and EPO is full of them, you can take flax seed oil in place of EPO after ovulation to avoid menstrual type cramps which could bring on an early miscarriage if you were to become pregnant. Flax seed oil may be taken throughout pregnancy as well.

Another reason that EPO is excellent for women is because it helps in alleviating premenstrual syndrome symptoms, and even menopausal women can take it as a supplement.

Like all herbs, the use of EPO will take a few months (usually 2-3 months) to build up in your system, to produce the results you are looking for. It is essential that you chart your fertility symptoms, signs and temperatures, so you can know when you have ovulated. By knowing this information, you can stop taking the EPO after ovulation and start the flax seed oil. You see, Evening Primrose Oil has a high concentration of a fatty acid called GLA or gamma-linoleic acid and it is this fatty acid and the flax seed oil will do the same things for your body that EPO will, but without the uterine cramping that can come from EPO.Unless you are very regular, charting your fertility signs is the best tool to determine where you are in your cycle.

من مواضيع ماما حياتي
توقيع : ماما حياتي

اللهم اني استودعتك مافي رحمي فحفظه حفظاً يليق بعظمتك
وسهل حمله وهون مخرجه واجعله من عبادك الصالحين

عرض البوم صور ماما حياتي   رد مع اقتباس

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

جديد منتدى منتدى أعراض الحمل والوحام

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الساعة الآن 02:53 PM.

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